The “name of the game” in virtually any business (or profession), and most certainly for Internal Auditors, is adding the greatest possible value to and for all stakeholders of that business/profession. Internal Auditors serve a wide variety of stakeholders who place major reliance on their work. Maximizing IA value in terms of assurance levels expected by and relied on by its stakeholders is critical and can only be achieved through optimal assurance coverage execution and highly effective stakeholder communications and reporting.
By exploring the many roles and services through which an internal audit group can add value throughout any organization, this course provides a roadmap for Internal Auditors in their quests to maximize value for all stakeholders, both internal and external, of their organizations.
Internal audit (IA) professionals at all levels, including consultants providing IA outsourcing, co-sourcing and/or related services, and external auditors providing IA services and/or who coordinate coverage with and place reliance on the work of IAs.
Experience/interest in or general knowledge of internal auditing